WASHINGTON (BHN) - Democratic National Committee Chairperson and fashion icon Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Retard-Fla.) on Wednesday said that House Republican demands to reduce the federal deficit and balance the budget could "spark panic and chaos," which she called "potentially devastating" to our economy.
“This is not leadership. This is almost like dictatorship," Wasserman Schultz said in an interview. "I know they (Republicans) want to force the outcome that … their extremists would like to impose (reducing the deficit, balancing the budget). But they are getting ready to spark panic and chaos, and they seem to be OK with that. Well it's not OK when women are getting raped and our cities are being looted and burned."
House Speaker John Boehner called Wasserman Schultz's comments "inflammatory," saying, "Trust me, the absolute last thing Debbie needs to worry about is getting raped."
My comments: Debbie's right, if the GOP doesn't allow Barry to drive us unfettered deeper into debt, the economy will surely be devastated (Play Twilight Zone theme music here)!
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz