WASHINGTON (BHN) - Eric Holder has directed the Justice Department to file suit against Alabama in an attempt to block that state from enforcing existing federal laws against illegal immigration.
"Only the Federal Government has the right to enforce or not enforce laws dealing with illegal immigration," Holder told reporters Tuesday. "Alabama needs to let us deal or not deal with this issue, while they deal with something else, like maybe illegal firearms exports or whatever."
The Justice Department is also battling Arizona over a similar bill that, as in Alabama, threatens to stem the influx of future Democrat voters into the state.
Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano defended Holder's actions against both states, insisting her department is making "tremendous progress" against illegal immigration, siting a recent study showing a 14% reduction in illegal entry across our country's eastern border.
An angry Alabama Governor Robert Bentley called the Federal lawsuit "the work of leftist morons," and referred to Holder as being "half the man Napolitano is, but 100% as retarded."
My comments: How dare Alabama try to enforce that particular law, when there are so many others they could be concentrating on!
Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano