BHN EXCLUSIVE - Big Hairy News owner and editor Scooter Van Neuter was questioned by DOJ investigators Monday about a bumper sticker design posted last week in the comments section of his popular online news site.
"They wanted to know if we were calling for a revolution against the government of the United States involving the use of firearms," said Van Neuter. "That, of course is ridiculous. We're calling for normal people to revolt against rednecks using Barry's symbol as a target, that's all."
Van Neuter called the questioning "nothing more than intimidation by a bunch of liberal retards," and vowed to start selling the stickers out of spite.
This isn't the first time authorities have questioned Van Neuter about content on Big Hairy News. Last year the DOJ accused his "Barack Obama Fan Club - Middle East Chapter" of promoting jihadist Muslim attacks on the President and other high profile Democrats, a charge Van Neuter categorically denied.