NEW YORK (BHN) - A steamy new erotic novel features President Obama and first lady Michelle as the main characters.
Tentatively titled "Liberal Lust," the story takes place in Kahlua, Hawaii where the first couple are repeatedly swept away by "passion only unfettered power and riches can provide."
An excerpt:
Michelle entered the bedroom just as a shirtless Barack was dressing. As the most powerful man in the world crouched to tie his sneakers, Michelle stared at the smooth line of his back and the way his delicate fingers deftly tied one bow, then another. She felt a heat, primitive and uncontrollable, welling deep inside her as her eyes devoured Barry's jutting nipples, firm and taut in the tropical morning chill.
Without turning, Barack became aware of the sound of labored breathing, coupled with the familiar scent of passion - like that of a musk ox that's been worked too hard. Michelle slowly drew up behind him, pressing her throbbing desire into the nape of Barack's long, graceful neck. He gasped.
Without saying a word, Michelle roughly pushed him to the floor with one powerful hand while the other gripped, then ripped away, her lover's running shorts and silk boxers, exposing the moist object of her overheated desires.
With his face against the carpet, Barry whimpered softly as Michelle held him down while she pulled her