BERKELEY, California (WNB) - Recently published letters from law student Hillary Rodham to radical Marxist Saul Alinsky expose her smoldering devotion to the author of 'Rules for Radicals', and vividly illustrates the basis of her left-wing political ideology.
Alinsky, who dedicated his book to Lucifer, is credited with defining modern day liberalism, and Hillary's letters appear to confirm the comments of one college acquaintance: "Alinsky was the brightest bug light of the day, and Hillary was uncontrollably drawn to him."
An excerpt:
"...your words speak truth to my innermost core. I lay awake at night feverishly yearning to be filled with your thoughts - my mind open, waiting, hungry.
Gradually my raw, vulnerable social consciousness yields to the relentless force of your inflamed ideology, and I am swept away by the heat of your passion. Your truths leave me breathless and wanting more -
I really like your work."