NEW YORK (WNB) - Numerous individuals have come forth claiming Hillary Clinton is suffering from serious health issues. A growing number of Security guards, Secret Service agents, police officers, aides, friends, and acquaintances say that the candidate is not only still struggling with symptoms from an earlier concussion but also a number of other health problems, including:
- Van Horton's Syndrome (VHS)
- Ankle Elephantitus
- Rigellian Fever
- Halitosis
- Anal Fissures/Warts
- Jimmy Legs
- Incontinence
- Uromysitisis Poisoning
- Herpes Simplex 10
- Chronic Flatulence
- Collins' Syndrome
- Nipple Decomposition Disorder (NDD)
- Amoria Phlebitis
- Merkin Mucus
- Groat's Disease
- Liplingus
Dr. Drew Pinsky, a nationally syndicated talk show host and internal medical physician, said that any number of these maladies would severely hamper Clinton's ability to govern and the combination of all would render her as "little more than a fetid, gelatinous blob of barely-functioning humanity, which seems to be what we're seeing."